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Old June 12th, 2009, 11:23 PM
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Default Re: MA Newbie game - Faltering_Steps - Running

Originally Posted by Lingchih View Post
Great turn guys. Nice battles. I was a bit surprised by the enmity going on between Ermor and Arco. Speaking of which, you gotta buff those undead Psi. Longdead Horse are great, but you gotta make them more survivable. Sure, you took a lot of my PD only provs, but look what Arco did to you. I will do the same when the time comes. Get some buffs on them!

And sorry about your prophet Sept. Why did he charge into the front like that? He was an awesome commander, and had beat me in all previous battles, but he was way outclassed there.
It doesnt matter. I'm honestly not concerned about buffing them.. they are just trash anyways. You may have noticed that my Army count is not going up or down... I have simply maxed out on both allowable troop count and Reanimation. Anything that dies is replaced immediately. I'll deal with any real threats with my teleporting SC's.. Of course that doesnt mean I'm not starting to add to the threat level of my longdead armies in other ways.
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