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Old June 17th, 2009, 02:40 AM

Micah Micah is offline
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Default Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]

Be nice, Kent. While I agree that it's somewhat absurd that this game is still going given the subfest, mm hell, and the high likelihood that the game is already over, Wraith hasn't done anything wrong aside from having a difference of opinion on the state of the game. He has acted within his rights as a participant in the game by not conceding. I disagree with his assessment, and I think it's within my rights to whine about it every so often, but the game isn't completely decided yet since there ARE VPs, so he's not even being particularly unsporting by doing so.

More importantly, regardless of the above disagreement, Wraith has acted in excellent faith, including granting me an extension when asked (not the actions of someone that is trying to manipulate the game to his advantage.) He also has not made our difference of opinion into any sort of personal attack, I would ask that you do the same.

(And I'd imagine that no harm was meant by your post, just an attempt at a joke with the football line, but given the tonelessness of the typed word and the somewhat high level of drama over this game in particular it came off in somewhat bad taste. Not trying to jump on you or anything, just to nip any potential problems in the bud, especially since the forum won't let you edit stuff. And I know I've said some stuff in frustration on IRC while doing my turns, so I can completely understand making an idle comment or two, the forum just isn't the place for it.)
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