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Old June 17th, 2009, 03:04 AM
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Default Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]

Hey Micah, Thank you very much for that last comment. I appreciate your sentiment and understanding.

Far be it from me to try and deliberately make the game drag against hopeless odds. To the best of my judgment, and I can at least say I have participated in muchos games over the years and seen a thing or two, this one is not decided yet. You have a good healthy advantage and a nice shot at victory. However, since we are talking VPs and since I have the right to try and stop you from winning (this is after all what this game is all about) I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. Look at it that way, I built up my nation for a hundred turns, so it's kinda stupid to just raise the white flag now. If and when it becomes clear to me that you are unstoppable I'll give up the game. Until then I tell you, come and get it

Lingchih, I think your comments directed at me are consistently in bad taste. As for this situation you are welcome to read threads of past games I played, you'll see that I'm not one for surrendering - and you know what, every once in a while I even managed to turn the tables on. So I ain't swayed, moved offended or irritated by your comments and you are more than welcome to cont. them if that makes you happy. This is the last I relate to OT remarks from you.
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