I beileve its because seeing Fomoria so esaily destroying Agartha that made the sauromatia give up, also forced Pangaea to enter this area. Fom had army decent enough to block Pangaea and had driven Pangaea to avoid a war in the openfield, it was due to the gap left by Sauromatia that finally let Pangaea overrun the borders.
I am no longer the guy enjoying playing against impossible AIs in huge map until ascension. At this point I know everything is just a matter of time and it can not be called a war anymore - like the two SCs lost in last turn, the major issue for me is only to calculate which gears should be forged again and how to cut the item list short in the lab. Thats not about challenge or strategy, just about working.
In my all Dom games I have never surrendered a single one, yet I have also never played a game using so much time. (say 5-6 hours just to finish the move without much thought in one turn, and its quite usual to script for one battle for extra hours.) Now I hear Fom is ready to surrender, I beilieve its the best time to save the fun and discuss some other things of this game. This will also improve your dom skills far more than just clicking against some AIs. (also improve my English)