Average blood hunting yield for a Kohen with SDRs is 5. For a Melqart (B3, dousing bonus of 3) with SDR it is 10, and I'd rather have that Melqart in combat. See further
The sacrifice bonus is also 3, will update my guide accordingly.
the main nerfs were cut down starting army to 12, size 5 (instead of 6) tramplers and eating 30 pop per giant present (Rephaite, Kohen, Melqart and Ba'al), and 50 for the heroes. The dissent increase appears to be in the order of 1-8 per unit per turn, increasing in the order listed, with some randomness. This means recruiting your giants will force you set tax in the capital at 80 (-70 gold/turn) or assume a pop loss of 430 a turn with patrolling.
This also means that patrolling while blood hunting will quickly exhaust your population even with G3, thus one can afford only 2 Kohen a province with 0 tax, i.e. a 33% decrease of blood income per province.
About Bless vs. ultimate scales:
In the game Betelgeuse I had an O3P0L1 build
with minor blesses. My initial expansion rate was on the same level as EA Mictlan (top two) with mainly Chariots and Dawn Guards. In that game I had problems recruiting research magi because my army had just damned too big upkeep.
So P3 will be superfluous after the first 10 turns, as you have to limit your army upkeep cost (non-sacred 30-45g troops) and it won't speed up you expansion noticably. So to offset it you need cost-efficient troops, that means sacreds with the best bless for them. Your best sacred is the Melqart, and for soloing they can really use that extra reinvigoration. 22 protection with bless, equip with amulets for cold/lightning/poison immunity according to whom you face. I was at the receiving end of such.
Late gem with your Blood Stone factory there are the Construction summons as a complement - but one will have to get there.