Re: What other games do you people play? (Atrocities) (Atrocities)
Still play tribes from time to time but not very much any more.
Still play some SE IV but no much.
Still play SC4RH off and on.
Have played CIV IV
Have played GalCiv II
Do play Crisis, Farcry, F.E.A.R. DeusEx 2, and Bioshock.
Loved - System Shock 2
Tribes 2
Freespace 2
Age of empires
Age of empires II
Half Life
Half Life 2
Half Life Counter Strike
The older I get the harder I find games interesting. I guess I am out growing computer games, that or I have become completely board of them.
God I miss the good old days of this forum in the early pre-2003 years. 2003 seems like yesterday doesn't it? Like a couple of months ago. Man time flies by.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.