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Old June 18th, 2009, 10:45 PM
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Default Re: Favorite "Indie" Games

Originally Posted by hEad View Post
Seeing the recent fav game thread and the Rogue one that was floating around awhile ago, I would like to hear about some of your favourite indi games.

In my later game playing years I have struggled to find a good game to play down at the local EB games shop, hell, it’s even getting to the point where the PC section is a small segment tucked up the back, flanked by the acreage of console offerings.

Digital download or ordering online is now my only means of buying a game. I've played a fair bit of Armageddon Empires and crazy amounts of Dom3 in the last 12 months but am now ready to have a look at some else.

Something in the strategy / sim genre, any topic - space, historic, fantasy, but I would prefer titles that are secret gems, you know, those games you stumble across and wonder how they escaped you for so long.
Don't let the name throw you.... "Bookworm Adventures" by Popcap games. Free trial for an hour. It's Scrabble with hammers.

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