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Old June 19th, 2009, 04:21 AM
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Default Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [1 land+1 sea players needed]

Originally Posted by shard View Post
Actually I am not familiar with the mods; which nations would significantly change? Those with strong priests and multipath mages I assume?

I'm already playing EA TC in one game, would my gameplay change significantly with CPCS and Holy war?
I'm the author of CPCS & Holy War, in case you were wondering and I'd be clad to anwser your question.

The changes of CPCS & Holy War are mostly global, althought Holy War slighlty changes (max changes +/- 10% in gold cost) some sacred troops. Also some mage-priests are reduced in holy power while some "pure" priests got increased holy magic.

I also brought up some hints about handling the mods in a previous thread, behold the power of copy-paste!

- With Holy War, holy sites are much more common, althought the effect is somewhat diluted by the magic site mod. My careful estimate is that about 8% of sites will be holy. All common holy sites can be found with a level 1 priest, uncommons by level 2 and rare sites by level 3. It's recommendable to send at least h2 priest out early to search some holy sites. Most of the sites do not give lots of gems, but allow access to good quality units & priests. Most of the indy sacreds can be pretty good even with a moderate bless, and some need no bless at all to be of use (Penitents, for example, are just undercosted heavy infantry, because they fight to cleanse their sins.), so it's worthwhile to search even if you don't have a bless. Most also give some gold and/or resources. Most of the holy sites are just for land, so rarely concern sea terrains. However, the "Temple of the Deeps" common holy site is still there, so holy searching underwater is worthwhile just for it.

- Be careful with the CPCS spells - consider the new options they give for your opponent against you, so that you are not completely taken by suprise by a new spell. Be also sure to check any spells that are available to you. CPCS has up-to-date complete spell list on these forums (you can find the link on the first post of the mod thread).

- Also consider the new cross-holy summoning spells (Call Guardian of X). They need precious mage-time (only one unit per summon), but the troops are pretty good, and sacred to boot. If things get hot, they might just be the silver bullet you need. For example, Guardians of the First Flame have high attack skill and a high-damage magical weapon. They might be just what you need to croak those pesky ethereal thugs. Guardians of the Throne deal nearly no damage to anything but are ethereal, high def and small size. Perfect to buy you some time on the battlefield and to exhaust enemy troops as they try hit them. Guardians of the world tree have magical ranged attack -> perfect for popping up mistform.

- The new holy spells from Holy War should also be up to consideration when you devising your combat stragedies. Just the new 3 starting spells change things. All priests can now do battlefield healing with the "Faith Healing" spell, an option that makes level 1 priests much more useful on the battlefield. "Smite Heretic" is also good for fending off any early sacred rushes. You should also note that the three most powerful new holy buffing spells (Holy Warriors + Divine Armaments + Divine Protection) are mr negates/mr negates easily and only work well with low-to medium mr troops. Penetration items can also be used to increase the effectiveness of these spells.
I have now officially moved to the Dom3mods forums and do not actively use this account any more. You can stll contact me by PM's, since my account gives e-mail notifications on such occasions.

If you need to ask something about modding, you can contact me here.

See this thread for the latest info concerning my mods.
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