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Old June 21st, 2009, 01:38 AM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor

Game: Betelgeuse
Winner: Chris Pedersen
Race: EA-Mictlan
Age: Early
Players: 14
Mods: ccbm1.44, llamastreamers, Single
Map: AsiaTwist
Game thread:

Dueling incredible starts by Mictlan and Sauromatia. The single fastest gem production I have ever seen in any game. (Sauromatia). He added more than 2.5 gems / turn over something like 50 turns! Unfortunately Jim was unable to give the attention the game required and his play suffered later in the game. Ultimately the position was picked up (thanks Shard!).

Late game featured 999 slave Astral Corruption (I think). As well as Looming hells and Dream Corruption. (Was very impressive Scarlioni!)
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