Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Send in Pretenders]
chris: That's absolutely ridiculous, you can't go around deciding what nation everyone can and can't be. Otherwise I would join every EA game by saying; "I'll be Niefelheim. Nope, I'll be Mictlan but no-one can be Niefelheim. Nope, I'll be Hinnom, but no-one can be Mictlan" and so on.
I'm not quite sure what would be the correct way of solving the situation now. If I were you I'd just stick to T'ien Ch'i - it should be great fun in CPCS, you're not particularly likely to come up against Mictlan, and anyway you've got an advantage in experience.
Anthropos: I think you might be too late unfortunately, although Amonchakad is the one to say for sure.