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Old June 23rd, 2009, 04:51 AM
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Default Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Send in Pretenders]

Aethyr: all you have to do is unpack the content of the .rar file in your "mods" directory inside the Dominions folder; then you'll find the Crusaders mod inside the in-game mod list(as llama said,it has no image next to it, so it may be difficult to spot). Are you sure that you've unpacked the .rar file after downloading it?

chris: Well, to be honest I didn't like either that you were just keeping some nations "reserved": I too think that you should stick to TC.

Anthropos: I'm sorry but we cannot accept you, the map is already tight with 12 players, and adding 1 more now would probably mean having to change map and postponing the game start by several days.
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