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Old June 23rd, 2009, 09:21 AM
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Default Re: OT: Favourite Boardgames

Another vote for Ra. It really is a good auction game. Although if you like auction games then Modern Art is also pretty good. And For Sale for a quick card auction game.

Bonanza (Bean trading card game) is very good and quite unusual.

For the heavier 'Euro' style strategy games I like Power Grid and Puerto Rico, but Agricola is just OK. Too much luck/variability in the usefulness of the cards for my liking while the none card part is almost pure skill/analysis paralysis. It just doesn't sit well together.

I quite like Europe Engulfed but if I am playing a 'modern style' wargame I much prefer the Card Driven system to the hidden strength block system of Europe Engulfed. So I would take Barbarossa to Berlin or Paths of Glory.

And Dune is of course a classic. And I still like the old style 1829/1830 type railroad games, but they are slow.
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