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Old June 23rd, 2009, 11:05 AM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Send in Pretenders]

Originally Posted by llamabeast View Post
chris: That's absolutely ridiculous, you can't go around deciding what nation everyone can and can't be.
Llama, I had said mictlan in my original post. The game had gotten to the desired 12 players, with all nations chosen, and it looked as if we were headed for an immediate start.

If you read the original post, as well as burnsaber's it is stated that part of the purpose of the game is to test the mods. (ie., how many games do you know where 'if something is unfair we'll change it in mid-game' is a condition of the game?).

Since that was the case *and* the game was full (ie, nations already picked) I said I would switch to Arco/TC if there was no Mictlan because those two nations can test out the spells better.

As soon as shard said he was contemplating switching to mictlan (Ie., would pick which one he liked better, after playing with them,) I said forget it, I'll just go with my original choice.

Logically there are two possible standards:
1. No one can switch nations. In which case I'm mictlan.
2. First come first serve - in which case I'm still mictlan.

However, if you (or shard) think I was unethical or wrong in how I approached this (although how it can be a problem to say I'm willing to play TC as long as there's no mictlan) I'm willing to just drop, with no hard feelings on my side.
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