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Old June 24th, 2009, 04:44 PM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

The supreme commander of the Lanka military gazed upon the crumbling
walls of the Marverni capital. The culmination of years of hard
fought warfare was finally here, he had the druids by the throat and
could finally contemplate some peaceful times to lick wounds and plot.
Reflecting back upon the brutal casualties inflicted by these humans,
the very sky darkened by waves of spinning blades only to be lightened
by huge burning rocks he had to admit he had a new respect for the
soft skinned men. Many, many demons had been slain in the back and
forth struggle with this worthy opponent, the feast of their bodies
would be in their honor.

The wily druids had caught him by surprise too many times, despite
their apparent lack of defenders, supreme commander prepared for a
brutal battle. Reinforcements were summoned from the homefront… mages
riding the clouds in, and imps boiling straight from hell while storm
demons flew in by the dozens and deployed for battle behind the
shuffling mass of rotting undead. The last action had apparently been
the druids final, last ditch effort with a menagerie of animals, from
snakes and lions to magically altered iron boars exploding in huge
numbers from the besieged castle backed by dozens of mages. The
demons of Lanaka held, but there were many more casualties than
supreme commander would have liked and his troop count was too low to
be comfortable for whatever the druids had saved as a surprise, and
too much of Marverni’s army had routed. He hoped his screen of imps
would allow the mists of deception enough support to tie the enemy up
while the storm demons did the bloody work.

Dawn broke into the air and supreme commander prepared to order the
final assault, when a buzzing sound was heard across the battlefield.
With a crack a large fountain raining blood appeared between the Lanka
forces and the caslte and a voice was heard in everyone’s head
declaring the fools in Abysia would be waging war against Lanka, and
this fountain was their god. The fountain droned on about
demonstrating his power, but supreme commander was not known for his
patience, with the fountain still in mid sentence the attack order was
issued. Let that foolish pretender god learn what it is to appear in
front of a Lanka warparty ready for blood.

Scores of imps dove from the sky screeching their enchanted bloodlust
as dozens of lightning bolts crackled down blasting huge smoking
craters around the blood fountain, yet wherever the lighting struck
the fountain it channeled harmlessly into the ground. The foul thing
had planned well for a Lanka assault and was shielded from lightning.
The blood slaves and imps now surrounding it were not so fortunate
though and most were blasted to cinders in a second. We will likely
never know what the fountain planned to do, for bereft of blood slaves
it panicked and tried to route.

Blast after blast of lighting hammered down, pounding the fountain
deep into a crater but otherwise not effecting it. The longdead
shuffled up to the fountain, and were incinerated. The screaming ape
demons charged up to the fountain, and were incinerated. The
enchanted constructs from the magical mist floated up to the fountain,
and were incinerated. The storm demons were good at their job and
they relished the indiscriminate destruction.

Storm demon captain approached supreme commander. “My lord, the
lighting is ineffective. The fool thinks it is invincible to us. I
beg your leave to demonstrate to it that this lightning is but a toy
we play with and demons must always be feared.” The commander just
nodded, and seconds later dozens of storm demons flew forward with the
strength of bloodlust giving them terrifying strength. The blood
fountain was torn stone from stone and the stones themselves smashed
as the blood seeped into the blackened ground.

Supreme commander glanced at the sky with the sun now noticeably
higher. He would not have this, he would be sitting in the Marverni
throne room this very day. “Reform you dogs, we finish this now!”

The Lanka troops reformed, much lighter than before. There were
almost no longdead left after the storm demon’s carnage fest, but
sufficient blood slaves remained that supreme commander felt imps
would suffice. Just as he was about to give the order to attack the
casle, a horn sounded and Marverni’s relief troops charged from the
nearby woods lead by a towering mother of serpents. So, the ***** had
come out for the last stand, let the dance begin.

Imps boiled up from Inferno and flew to engage the Marverni troops who
greatly outnumbered the Lanka forces, but now it was time for the
storm demons to unleash their carnage on a more appropriate target.
As the Marverni troops charged over the still smoking craters, they
perhaps had a moments pause to wonder what had caused that damage. No
more than a moment however, they didn’t suffer long.

Their numbers were great though. A banelord clanked forward
ominously, yet his unholy armor proved no protection. Iron boars
found their altered state was no help. And the queen ***** herself,
decked out in all the magic finery Marverni could produce, lacked that
one little ring the blood fountain had held. With a thundering crash
the electrocuted titaness slammed to the ground and the forces of
Marverni were truly finished.

“NOW STORM THAT DAMN CASTLE”. Yet again the Lanka troops formed up
into yet smaller formations. The blood slaves were gone, there were
essentially no blockers left, supreme commander pinned his hope on the
fact the awesome might of the storm demons would be sufficient to
break whatever skeletal army held the Marverni castle. The sun now
stood at high noon, and the Lanka forces surged forward to finish
their task.

Yet something new appeared from the sky. Three somethings to be more
precise. The Abysian support flew in, two powerfully equipped
Anointed of Rhuax and a demonbred prophet of the damned fountain,
apparently hoping to finish off the softened up Lanka troops their
“god” had promised they would find in his wake. The storm demons
instantly brought the wrath of the skies down on them, yet to their
dismay realized they were equipped similarly to the blood fountain and
ignored the lightning as so much noise.

“Screw that, ALL UNITS FORM ON ME” supreme commander bellowed. “WE’LL
TEAR THEM APART WITH OUR CLAWS.” Hefting his bane blade above his
head he screamed “CHARGE!”. The ragged remnants of the Lanka army
surged forward to surround the Abysian heroes. Enchanted blades swung
and demons were slain, yet Lanka fielded heroes of their own.
Slowly….slowly the Abysians were overwhelmed. Bit by bit they bled
and then one by one they fell.

With the last light of dusk still in the sky the tiny remainder of the
Lanka army stormed the Marverni castle. Scarcely a dozen storm demons
remained and a handful of mages and heroes from the once mighty host.
A wiser commander would have waited to storm the castle, but supreme
commander would not be stayed. Caution, however, proved unnecessary
as there was but one old druid in the castle, apparently left as a
symbolic sacrifice to the Lankans. As supreme commander sat the
Marverni throne and the last druid was prepared for the feast, he
turned his eyes westward and contemplated a map of the Abysian lands.
Bah, Lankans were not meant for peace anyway.

Heh, how often does one army kill two pretenders, two prophets and
capture a capital all in the same turn?
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