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Old June 25th, 2009, 03:35 AM
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WingedDog WingedDog is offline
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Default Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)


Try Baalz's suggestion. If it doesn't work - turn file is just a file and could be sent by e-mail from any computer, it is not that hard to find a computer connected to internet in 18th century... Wait, it was supposed to be 21st century! Wooooo Hooooo! My time machine works! Just you wait, Baalz, we'll see who's the smart one now!

[July 23, 8.48 PM, WingedDog's appartment]
WingedDog is about to submit his turn. Suddenly a cracking noise rings out from behind and ozone odour fills the room, WingedDog turns his head and sees sparklings and piles of smoke at the background. A silhouette of a man appears in the middle of the smoke and starts approaching him. When the mysterious person comes out of the smoke WingedDog is able see his face, and he founds it surprisingly familiar. The stranger breakes the silence: "I am WingedDog from the future, heed my warning. Do not teleport, I repeat, under any circumstances DO NOT TELEPORT your pretender to Lanka", - saying this words the stranger tuns around and heads toward the unusual machine could be seen now, when the smoke has finally layed down. Few moments later machine dissapeares with the same cracking sound it came.
Left alone confused WingedDog scaratches his head and removes his headphones. "Damn you, Metallica, if it wasn't for you I could have heard what was this person trying to tell me. Well I guess it's the mystery, which isn't destined to ever be solved... but this machine... the way it had appeared... it gives me the idea! I'll teleport my Fountain of Blood right into Lanka troops! Ha! I wish I coud see those surprised demon faces when it appeares right in front of them! I need to redo my turn..."
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