Originally Posted by Frozen Lama
Calahan, are you sending viruses to all your neighbors computers or what?
2AI nations next to you, and now Jomon, another neighbor of yours has 4 stales. you really are going to win thanks to all your neighbors quitting 
Believe me, that is not something I actually feel good about

Would always prefer to properly earn any progress I make in games, rather than have it served up on a plate due to AI's and stalers.
I've posted a lot recently about how much I hate nations turning AI in games, and while I still didn't like seeing my neighbours of Pythium and Midgard turn AI in this game, both were pretty valid even in my eyes. Pythium was just a straight kill by Ermor after a lucky event gave me an unexpected opportunity to siege and capture their capital, with matters only made worse by Pythium's only real troops being Hydra's. Midgard/Starshine did look for a sub for several turns before turning AI, but unfortunately didn't manage to find one. Which there's not much you can do about unless you know players who owe you tons of favours.
But I think the Jomon situation can be dealt with, and I think the best thing right now would be to put the game on hold for a while until Toni_Bubu's RL time constraints ease up a bit. Or ask him if he doesn't mind a sub doing a few turns for him until he can get back onboard. Regardless of whether or not Jomon would attack Ermor, it is just bad for the game all round to have a nation sitting there constantly staling. Although I do confess I didn't realise Jomon had staled for four turns, as that really is a bit over the top.
But putting the game on hold is not my call, so....