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Old June 26th, 2009, 04:27 PM
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Question Interest in SE5 Expansion?


I'm looking to gauge the interest in getting a modest expansion to SE5 as originally posted here (and quoted below):

Originally Posted by Captain Kwok
There's been an ongoing effort to see if Malfador Machinations and Strategy First are willing to put together a modest "expansion" for SE5. The initial thought was such an expansion might contain a DirectX upgrade for Vista/Windows7 along with bug fixes, some UI work, and some minor feature implementation. It's been estimated that such a project can be done for less than $5,000.

There's basically two ways (with shades between) to go about funding it. Either the community can raise money to help cover the costs and the upgrade would be free, or if Strategy First antes up the money first and then a nominal fee (~$5-$10?) can be charged for the patch and a new edition could be marketed and sold to new users.

Either way, are you guys interested in seeing such a project? Some things to keep in mind are that SE6 is not close at all or even a definite future possibility and that this effort is being pushed from the bottom up - it's not a "cash grab" from MM/SFI. If there is enough interest, then plans can be made with MM/SFI to move forward.
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