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Old June 28th, 2009, 03:40 PM
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PsiSoldier PsiSoldier is offline
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Default Re: OT: Favourite Boardgames

Omega Virus was pretty cool when I was a kid. Other than Electronic Battleship I think its about the only one Ive ever had that you could play by yourself although it was way to easy to win before the timer ran out without anyone to fight against.

And of course Risk 2210 and Godstorm. Cranium and Balderdash.

There was a board game I had when I was a kid that I cannot remember the name of for the life of me Id love to be able to find it but its kinda hard without knowing what it was called. Most of the players played as these Psychotic Rambo Like Bunny Rabbits trying to steal carrots and stuff from some Farmer and I think someone could play as the Farmer and his Dog to try and kill the rabbits. I think you could go to the Mailbox when you had cash or something and order things like Bear Traps and Flame throwers and stuff I dont remember for sure its been like 20 years.
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