Originally Posted by Kaffa
1) I get “The Ancient Master” (site) …I read : “enter for combat training” ….what do it means?
8 XP points per turn.
Originally Posted by Kaffa
2) In ( Bogarus game) “Conjuration” 2nd level I see a spell: SUMMON SIMARGL in blue color (blue color ?!)and I didn’ found in spell index. Why?...but in Marignon game in same school and same level this spell don’t exist. Why?
It's a national spell. Bogarus didn't exist when the Manual was written, that's why it isn't there.
Originally Posted by Kaffa
3) Spell “Call of the wind” (A2) has number of effects 20 : What do it means “number of effects” ?
It summons Black Hawks. 20 of them.
Edit: d'oh, beaten...

At least I'm not last.