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Old June 30th, 2009, 08:30 AM

AstralWanderer AstralWanderer is offline
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Default Possible User Interface Improvements

While managing small dominions is fairly painless, there are a few issues with larger ones that could be eased with some small but significant UI changes. While I understand that future updates to Dominions 3 may be in question, I feel that some discussion on this could still be of use.

Provide a Minimap
With very large maps and those containing distant neighbours (e.g. the Oeridia map with its gateways linking remote provinces and underground areas) large amounts of scrolling become necessary. Adding a minimap where players could click on it to be taken to the corresponding location on the main map would make it far quicker to move around.

Enhance the Nation Overview
This screen becomes increasing useful as empires expand. However it doesn't provide complete information on commanders or provinces (in particular the destination/target of orders or spells and the recruitment details of provinces).

I would suggest splitting this into 2 sections. First a commander overview which would include full details of orders given, including destination/target details and gems used for ritual spells.

Secondly, a province overview which could add further details like which units could be recruited and what has been recruited, along with temple/lab/fortress markers.

Thirdly, the columns should be sortable (one click on the appropriate header to sort in ascending order, a second for descending, etc). Need to find the best Astral mages? The richest provinces? Those with the lowest defence or highest unrest? This currently involves a good deal of manual checking which could be made much easier.

Anyone care to add to the above? (please keep suggestions limited to the UI since there seem to be plenty of other threads for game mechanics or general expansion).
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