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Old July 1st, 2009, 05:55 PM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: Sub wanted for a good position as Sauromatia in the 'Legends of Faerun' game

The admin logs for the game show this as the last activity

23:30 GMT on Tuesday June 30th Changed e-mail address for Sauromatia

So I'm guessing the email has been changed over already, unless there was an error cutting-n-paisting the email address somewhere along the lines.

I've sent you a PM Chris, and also asked the llamaserver for a turn re-send for Sauro, and PM-ed Baalz to ask him to check the email address for you I sent him (since I forgot to tick 'Save Message' when I PM-ed him).

Please let me know asap if you still have a problem getting the turn file.
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