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Old July 2nd, 2009, 10:02 AM
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Corporal Kindel Corporal Kindel is offline
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Default Re: Introduce yourself!! :-)

Hello forum

Anther DOM3 noobie gamer here . I’ve been playing the Demo version for a few day now, and this is exactly the type of game I enjoy most (4x turn based strategy). Guess I’m considered a hardcore wargamer, coming out of the strategy boardgame genre (ASL with VASL is my main game, though I play PC SP computer games more often these days). Love the old AH games, Third Reich was my first wargame (mid 70’s). I think either Civ(first version), Empire, or the old gold box DD (Pool of Radiance) .. can’t remember exactly now .. from the mid/late 80’s, was my first computer game. The most disappointing computer game I ever purchased was MOO3 (MOO2 probably being the most enjoyable PC game I ever purchased), the experience completely changed my PC game purchasing approach/mode .

I enjoy Railroad games too; they tend to focus on efficiency over unlimited expansion which is another dimension I like to see in PC games. I don’t particularly like FP shooters & RTSs with a couple of notable exceptions (Age of Mythology comes to mind: very good game with very good AI). I generally don’t buy games much anymore (lack of time on my part for one thing, and as to computer games in general: the AI seems to have been on the decline for years now in newer games these days IMO [which I see as a generalized quality decline], an emphasis on graphics over substance, and the ship-it-with-patches-bugs-and-all-mentality & fix it later ) ... anyway, I’m just saying if I shell out to buy something these days, you know it’s gotta be good!

I ordered the full version of Dom a couple of days ago, and I just checked the tracking #, I should be getting it today, feels like Xmas as a kid, can’t wait ! I do have a couple of noobie questions based on the demo version that I plan on posting in the main section below later on.
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