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Old July 3rd, 2009, 06:44 AM
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Default Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]

Originally Posted by Micah View Post
Ugh, are we done yet?
I believe we are.
For having a fighting chance to stop you some things needed to happen that didn't happen, chief amongst them:
- Breaking your iron grip on Utgard
- Overwriting your forge (cleverly disguised as Utgard's, you had me fooled for a while )
- Making the cost of earning each new VP very high to you. Apparently you just took them as you pleased.

With a bit, or a lot, of luck things might have gone a different route, but they haven't and basically you had all the corners covered. And while I might have enjoyed raiding your lands while you concentrate on other stuff - that would have ultimately proved an exercise in futility.

At this game I have had the privilege to get to know your MO better - both as ally (as we were most of the game) and as enemy (albeit, too little at that). You are indeed an outstanding player, but more than anything, the impression I take of you from this game is of the master manipulator, the unseen puppet master
Well done I hope to enjoy more games with you in the future.

I for one surrender at this point. If the other player's wish to cont. I am willing to look for a sub for myself.
I also wish to thank all the players that subbed in this game!
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