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Old July 3rd, 2009, 01:47 PM
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Default Re: YARG - Yet Another RAND Game [full, rolling nations]

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker View Post
Originally Posted by TwoBits View Post
I'm curious, how do you prevent "in-game" diplomacy, using the game's messaging? Is it being disabled through a mod? Or the "honor" system (if so, sounds like there could be plenty of room for abuse there)?
Messages show up in games logs if its turned on.
Who sends to who, and if its text or equip or gold or gems etc.
Then it sounds like we should have game logs turned on, and then we won't have to rely upon the "honor" system. If that is not the case, then we should be encouraged to report in-game PMs?

"Gift-giving" I don't like, in this RAND format, then. Just another way of trying to engage in diplomacy ("I like you and/or I'm afraid of you - have some stuff, and hopefully understand it as a request not to attack me!").

I think in-game PMs should only be OK if they're sent to everyone? "Pangaean Dog, I'll kill you! Signed, Mictlan", and everyone sees it.

Or is even that too much information, knowing who else is at war (outside of what you can discover with scouts) and such?

I guess that begs the question - what's the point of RAND? To get rid of all diplomacy, or to get rid of the meta-gaming diplomacy? Honestly, I'm not sure what my opinion is on that, or even if there's a way to allow "real, in-game" diplomacy while avoiding meta-gaming.
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