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Old July 3rd, 2009, 02:54 PM
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Default Re: YARG - Yet Another RAND Game [full, rolling nations]

Originally Posted by WingedDog View Post
I doubt people gathered here have signed into this the game to cheat. I beleive title says "no diplomacy and anonymous", obeying this rules is enough for me.
I know, I'm not really worried about cheating, I just want to know what, if anything (and if it's nothing, I just would like to know), the in-game PM can or can't be used for.

You know, I guess I think a game with some diplomacy would be OK, as long as it was totally anonymous (in real life terms), and totally in-game (what with the two-turn turnaround in conversations), if that could be done. You know, as long as it wasn't a "hey, C'tis here, and I'm 'Bob', email me at '', and we'll totally coordinate and trade, etc." kind of deal.

But hey, this is not the first RAND game as far as I can tell (except for me, that is), and I'm sure this entire subject has likely been discussed ad-nauseam before, so I guess I'll shut up, and leave it to the more experienced players to figure out.

Guess I just wanted some clarification on how this kind of game would play out
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