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Old July 5th, 2009, 12:15 AM

BesucherXia BesucherXia is offline
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Default Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor

Game: Sovarinthy
Winner: BesucherXia
Race: Pangaea
Age: EA
Players: 12
Mods: CBM 1.3
Map: Alexander
Game Thread:
Victory: Default
Settings: Default/Change name
HoF: 15
Research: Standard
Graphs Off

Ended on turn 83, 9 month used.

I must say this is a very hard game, in late game I had to use 6+ hours for each turn to deal with the micromanagement. The Dance of Morrigans was way too awesome against pangaea, once they bulit an army and threatened my capital, even at the end of the game I was still feeling difficulty to destory them in an open field and had to rely on my resource advantage/freespawn to fend off the intrusion.
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