Originally Posted by coobe
since there are posts about favourite computer games, i was curious if there are some more boardgame addicts around here besides me
ASL, there can be only one

I hardly ever play boardgames anymore, but the boardgames I most enjoyed back in the day included a bunch of AH strategy game titles including: ASL, Third Reich, Civ, Titan, Gunslinger, a few others. Non AH boardgames I enjoyed were Iluminatti (sp?), Nuclear war (those glow-in-the-dark nuclear cloud dice !

), Stellar conquest (later bought by AH). Still play ASL occasionally via VASL, it's a multiplayer computer game interface for the boardgame. Otherwise, the only boardgames I occasionally play these days are family type boardgames when relatives visit (balderdash, wizards - the card game, some other game played with two decks of cards in which you have to get 5 chips in-a-row on a bingo type board .. can't recall the name of it now).
I did occasionally play some roll playing games back in the day (D&D, Traveller, Champions), but I've always been more of a strategy game fan at heart (I could never get into the acting type mode of roll-playing).