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Old July 5th, 2009, 01:07 PM
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Default Re: YARG - Yet Another RAND Game [Uploading pretenders]

Yes, I think it does contain issues that affect the balance. Center top region is wastelands+mountains, middle bottom region is swamps, left bottom region is wastelands+mountains while center region consists mainly of farmlands (approximately 12 packed farmlands). Yes, I think that whether you start in one of the former or in the latter will pretty much decide the game for you. Is it balance wise? Probably yes. Is it fatal? Yes, if you start in a "dead" region.
On top of that random starting locations mean that some people may have their capitals very close while other will have a lot of place to expand. Does it affect balance? Probably yes. Also, I think I described all my reasons and points quite clearly.
What do I suggest? I wrote it yesterday saying that I have a free Sunday and may spend some time working on the map but noone reacted.
I am probably still able to do it but only if people want too. If everyone is ok with starting in dead mountain\wasteland region then I'm ok too. But if it occasionally happens to me I'll probably won't stay for long.
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