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Old July 5th, 2009, 05:15 PM
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Default Re: YARG - Yet Another RAND Game [Uploading pretenders]

Originally Posted by ano View Post
I nearly finished the map and will post it here soon with comments.
Regarding balance and such things I may tell you that during Qwerty game (which I mentioned somewhere above) I decided not to create games with random locations anymore and the next game I hosted I spent some time to dive into the mapmaking process. The result was really cool in Stasis game - people were absolutely satisfied with the balanced starts.
That's why now I prefer to play with predefined starts in every game I participate. As Executor correctly said above, it is impossible to eliminate the luck element in this game and it should not be done, but maps and start locations can and should be balanced to make the game more interesting and competitive and more dependent on player skill than on blind luck.
You make good points here that are hard to dispute. I'm all for creating a level playing field with a semi-equal chance for anyone to attain victory. The modified map you made looks good, and thank you for doing it. The starting locations seem well-placed.
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