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Old July 7th, 2009, 01:16 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Would you play to the death?

Originally Posted by Bananadine View Post
I think you guys won't convince me to give up my plan just by talking about it! Maybe somebody else will pop up and do that though.
And I think you have this backwards. You're asking people if they would play a certain way, because you'd like them to and have set up a game for it. Right now it seems like you're trying to argue people into doing it, not the other way around.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just this isn't a 'convince Bananadine not to run his game' thread. It's more like a 'Bananadine argues you should play a certain way and doesn't understand why you don't' thread ;]
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