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Old July 7th, 2009, 06:07 PM

Bananadine Bananadine is offline
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Default Re: Would you play to the death?

Originally Posted by capnq View Post
My point in mentioning that is that one cannot expect every player to approach the game in the same manner. One of the reasons I dropped that game was that I got tired of winning by concessions that I didn't think I deserved. There is no unanimously agreed upon way that the game should be played, and arguing that there is such a way is mostly going to drive people who aren't interested in that style of play away from the thread.
Ah! Another huge and interesting thread of potential questionry: Are some styles or methodologies within what is basically a competitive art (in our case, the art of fantasy war!) fundamentally better than others? Hm it's easy to run into big questions, when you are trying to answer what seems to be a small question.

Well you weren't quite taking a position in that argument; so leave it be--all you said about it was that the argument will drive people away.

I don't mean to say that everybody should play the way I want! I would like to have the opportunity to play that way myself, though. It's easy to sound fighty when you're frustrated because you feel like you're in some kind of dominated minority!
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