Originally Posted by Bananadine
I think there would only be a potential, tiny problem with mod incompatibility if somebody picked Tomb Kings... that is to say, Gregstrom, who recently compiled a table of all the ID numbers used by mods, indicates that Tomb Kings and CBM illegally share one weapon ID. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that Tomb Kings actually works fine with CBM...?
I've confirmed this by checking both mods - CBM 1.5 has weapon#708 as a Rusted Short Sword, and Tomb Kings has #708 as the Asp Bow. My guess is that, depending on the order the mods are loaded in, either Asp Archers will have their bows replaced with swords or Ermor's Longdead Legionnaires will start shooting Asp Arrows.
Edit: I've done a quick look, and even with Tomb Kings thrown into the mix the only conflict is weapon#708. That's an easy fix to the mod - just renumber Asp Bows to 699 and you'll be fine.