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Old July 9th, 2009, 03:48 PM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Ok everyone, still no luck with the Yomi sub-hunting even though the position is more attractive than most sub oppotunities IMO. I will likely be delaying the game by 24 hours for the final time (with regards looking for a sub for Yomi) so that the delay for the Yomi sub-hunting is/was the same (48 hours) as all the other delays that have been allowed for sub-hunting in this game. So apologies for the hold-up, but only fair I think to allow Yomi the same chance of finding a new owner as all the other nations got when their respective owners went AWOL.

But if a sub can't be found, then we have two options as I see it...

1) Turn Yomi AI
2) Let them stale one more turn, as that would give at least another 2 days for a sub to come forward, or for Cicadian to return. But if neither of these things happen after allowing them to stale again, then Yomi should be turned AI (without allowing any further delays for a sub to come forward).

Option #1 would of course be the normal course of action, but I'd personally really hate to lose one of the top 5 (probably) nations to the AI. And while letting them stale one more turn is never good, I don't think it will make that much difference if they are just going to end up under the control of the AI anyway. But it could make all the difference if allowing an extra stale allows a sub to be found, or Cicadian to return.

Would welcome any thoughts anyone has on this.
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