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Old July 11th, 2009, 01:28 AM
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Burnsaber Burnsaber is offline
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Ok, I decided to do this.

I'm really going to try bring the Bretonnian laser-focus on feodalism in the spotlight here. The noble commanders autosummon units (domsummon for 'religious' types), which represent them mustering the peasants from their lands to fight for the cause of the awakening. Most units will be plain recruits however.

Several commanders will also summon a "honor guard" of additional troops at the start of combat, to encourage their use in combat.

Brettonia is all about the knights, virtually everything else is just filling. To avoid the "MA Man late-game" pitfall, they will also have powerful magic, but it is mainly consentrated in the kick-*** capital only Damsels. Castles will be cheap, temples too, but laboratories very expensive (Bretons are very superstitious people).

Here is my current troop line-up, feel free to point out possible flaws and make suggestions:

Recruitable Units:

Men-at-Arms: Come with either leather or chainmail and equipped with either halberd or shield & spear. They are cheap, but lack morale & skill (since they are levied). They also form the core of PD

Peasant Bowmen: Archers with poor morale. Also in PD

Pilgrims: Chaff infatry with poor equipment, but better morale. Also use Sticks and Stones.

Yeomen: "Elite" peasantry. Have higher morale than their peasant brethen. Also come as mounted variety.

Knight Errant: Cheapest Knights. Great morale, but lack the elite stats of the more experienced knights. Come also as footed variety.

Knights of the Realm: Stats slightly better than MA Man Knights. Come also as footed variety. You will get these at PD 20+.

Pegasus Knights: Knights of the Realm, who fly. The Pegasii will fight on if the knight falls until the end of combat. Capital Only.

Grail Knights: Sacred, Capital only, expensive, kick a*s like it's going out of style.


Scout: Yeoman scout. Nothing to see here folks.

Courtier: A bretonnian noble who doesn't have the stomach for fighting. A "ambassador" style spy.

Brettonian Lord: Basic commander. Autosummons men-at-arms. Can summon (with a command) Yeomen. Honor Guard of footed knight Errants. PD commander.

Brettonian Marquis (a'k'a noble who is charge of defense in a border province): Knightly commander. Thuggable. autosummons men-at-arms & domsummons Knight Errants. Can command-summon Shephards. Honor Guard of Mounted Knight Errants. PD commander at 20+.

Brettonian Duke: Sacred Grail Knight commander. Very bad-*** stats. Always blessed in combat (onebattlespell "blessing"). Come pre-equipped with magical gear. Autosummon Knights of the Realm and command-summon Grail Knight. Honor Guard of mounted Knights of the Realm.

Bretonnian Hero: A Pegasus mounted Knight Commander. These nobles devote their attention to slaying monsters and acting chivalric instead of managing their land. They lack the summons of the other noble commanders, but have very good stats, are sacred and possess weapons of thug-destruction. ("Lance of a Hero" that deals 3x damage to larger foes, and a magic regular weapon.)

Grail Maiden: "Lowly" Grail damsel. These are not part of the orginal warhammer Brettonian army, but the nation needs a "research" mage. W1A1N1H2 With 100% A/W/N/E/S pick. Honor Guard of footed knight errant

Grail Damsel: Capital only. As Expensive as they can get. W2A2N2H3 with 200% A/W/N/E/S picks. Honor Guard of a single Grail Knight.


Questing Knights: These are not a part of the normal troop line-up (they're questing for the Grail, so they're kinda busy to be enlisted regularry). But Grail Maidens/Damsels can summon them to fight for the holy cause of brettonnia. They come as commanders and domsummon Battle Pilgrims (a'k'a religiously minded peasants who follow and fight alongside the quester).

There will also be a line of "Call of Virtue" type spells, which summon large numbers of knights to remote attack provinces. (the Damsel sends a magical vision to compel the knights)

I'll also probably incorporate the Grail Virtues as a line of army buffs (castable by Damseƶs) which only affect sacred units.

Summons for Unicorns/Hippogriffs & Pegasii are not out of the question either.


Louen Leoncouren, the King of Breton: Kicks *** and summons hordes of knights. Did I mention the Griffon?

The Fay Enchantress: Grail Damsel on crack, obviosly. Probably something like W3A3N3S3H4 and riding a Unicorn.

The Green Knight: Will be nearly unkillable thug. Immortal, ethereal, regenerating...

"Merlin": Fleshing out the details at the moment..

Multihero: This will something from my imagination. I was thinking of a "beast-master", someone who handles the Pegasii, Hippogriffs & Griffons. Suggestions are highly welcome.

Custom Pretenders:

A pretender modeled after the Lady of the Lake. Human sized, ethereal and aweriffic expensive rainbow chassis.


Strenghts: Free summon troops by noble commanders, skilled armomred knights accompanied by cheap peasant units make for a great troop line-up, recruitable thugs, cheap castles, good PD

Weaknessess: Only research mage blows, expensive laboratories, main caster expensive and capital only
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Last edited by Burnsaber; July 28th, 2009 at 06:40 PM..
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