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Old July 11th, 2009, 12:56 PM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: MA Bretonnia: Compulsory hype/brainstorming thread.

Originally Posted by Burnsaber View Post
Well to be blunt, the freespawn will be just 1 unit per month.
Actually I'm rather relieved by this. Skaven only autosummon one creature a month themselves, and if the brettonians could summon greater numbers thematically that would feel a bit off. The knights are makemonster knight summons are potentially problematic though.

The research gap is just so thematic handicap for the allways backwards Breton, but it poses it's own problems. Bretonnia is all about gragon-slaying knights and stuff, so I *really* need to encourage the use of knight commanders to get the theme of the nation trough and avoid armies commanded by 20 Damsels (Ugh...).
If they have recruitable thug-strength commanders I could see you actually choosing not to recruit a mage... or perhaps some of those knights should actually be able to do research, and get rid of the lesser mages altogether? Might have trouble justifying that thematically though.

As to chalice knights vs grail knights, I don't think they necessarily conflict. Who's to say there can't be more than one order of knights seeking the holy grail?
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