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Old July 11th, 2009, 04:10 PM
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Default Re: MA Bretonnia: Compulsory hype/brainstorming thread.

Originally Posted by analytic_kernel View Post
I like the mod idea.
(1) What about Merlin or his equivalent? :-)
I like this idea. Perhaps he could be last surviving druid of Maverni or something, to tie the nation to the original myths.

And yeah, I'm not going to exact Warhammer duplicate (since vanilla warhemmer Bretonnia is a bit bland).

Originally Posted by llamabeast View Post
Oh, so the majority of troops would still be recruited as normal? Sounds great to me then. I thought you meant you could only get troops as freespawn, which I think would be kind of frustratingly inflexible.
Oh, I'll have to edit the first post to be more clear.

Originally Posted by llamabeast View Post
I like the honour guard idea quite a bit by the way.
Well, it's a bit of necessity. If I don't encourage their use in combat, the knight commander will just stand back behind castle walls and summon troops. Besides, this way I can get some additional troop types to the PD.

I figured out a nice way to get all the vanilla spell slots I need to make custom #onebattlespells (I'll overwrite Bogarus nationals, since it's LA. If someone really, really badly wants both Bogarus and Bretonnia in some game, he can just rename the #selectspell commands)

Originally Posted by rdonj View Post
Actually I'm rather relieved by this. Skaven only autosummon one creature a month themselves, and if the brettonians could summon greater numbers thematically that would feel a bit off.
Yeah. My thoughts exactly.

Originally Posted by rdonj View Post
The knights are makemonster knight summons are potentially problematic though.
Well, I'm going to keep the knight summons mostly as footed versions (which are easier to counter).

Originally Posted by rdonj View Post
If they have recruitable thug-strength commanders I could see you actually choosing not to recruit a mage... or perhaps some of those knights should actually be able to do research, and get rid of the lesser mages altogether? Might have trouble justifying that thematically though.
Well, one thing is. Since Grail Maides reguire the full deal (a'k'a fort, temple & 800gp labratory) but your castels are cheap, you will likely manage to build more forts than labs and temples. You could outsource your Thug recruitment to those forts.

Originally Posted by rdonj View Post
As to chalice knights vs grail knights, I don't think they necessarily conflict. Who's to say there can't be more than one order of knights seeking the holy grail?
Yeah, there are numereous differences. Knights of the Chalice seek the cup but never find it. Grail Knights actually drink from the thing.

I'll probably explain the "sacredness" of grail thus:

"The first king of Bretonnia was appointed by a ethereal Lady of the Lake, a being of mysterious origin. She gave the King a drink of gods from a golden cup, known as the Grail. By drinking from the cup, the King became the embodiement of nobility, gifted with divine wisdom and mandate to rule wisely over the people of Bretonnia. The Grail has appeared to many other Noble Knighta, but only after a long quest where they have proven their worth."

But yeah, thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll probably show off the first picks by the end of the next week.
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