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Old July 13th, 2009, 12:00 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Balance Mod No Generators

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker View Post
Any consideration for making them unique?
That way they are still in the game, useful but not abusable (or no more than any other unique)
Ok. To answer a few questions or comments.

a). I made the No Generators mod, in order to give people options in games. Sure, I could make the clam or blood stone unique.

However, I absolutely hate the rush to Con-8 that characterizes almost every game. So this was one small blow against that.

b). I absolutely agree that some nations are *truly* hosed by this.
What I am looking at doing is compensating some nations.

My ideas so far, for Oceania, for example one of the following
1. Use burnsaber's Oceania mod.
2. Azatoths viceroy: Give Oceania some access to a Sea Troll
3. Craft a spell that summons a unit that creates pearls, or comes with a clam. Thats the advantage of con level 12. Not removed from the game, can still be given to nations where its an integral part of the game.

So either something like ravensfeast (unlikely), or Blessing of Pearl. This spell would summon a Sacred Marytyr equipped with a clam. It would be a holy spell, only castable on sacred, h3 requirement. And have a cost of 20 water. It would also kill the caster, by chaining "kill me".

Off the top of my head, it makes oceania think about its capitol only(?) production. It limits abuse by killing the caster, and requiring an h3 casting level. And yes, I know it requires adding water to bishop fishes. Reasonable, I think.

c). Also, I may make a mode where the cost of generators are merely increased. 20/10 for a clam. This means the return is 3% rather than 5%. Same cost for blood stones.

Off the top of my head, nations that really require these items are:

MA, LA Agartha
LA Ulm
MA Oceania

If you think others do, let me know.

Last edited by chrispedersen; July 13th, 2009 at 12:10 PM..
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