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Old July 15th, 2009, 04:40 AM

Dragar Dragar is offline
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Default Re: Balance Mod No Generators

Great idea Chris. I agree with taking them out and giving compensation. Would be great if there was a replacement earth booster though. I don't think giving alternate ways to create gems is the way to go, need to strengthen the nation through what they should be good at rather than loading them with astral gems.

Note that EA Abysia is on the list for heavily affected, I find bloodstones are critical for the earth boost on the anointed and are about the only way to leverage their meagre blood capability.

The earth generation is currently the only way to have a hope at casting their lvl 8 scorpion men summons in any kind of decent numbers, and is particularly used for gate cleavers to cover how wwoeful they are at sieging and how difficult it is to combine indies with abysians.

Suggested compensations would be:
1. Earth booster with same path requirements but lower cost (5 earth 10 blood) to account for no gem generation
2. Halve Scorpion Men cost from 12 to 6

That should be enough, the loss of gem generation would be covered by the cheaper cost to get the anointeds the earth boost. It would work for the other abysia eras too
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