Re: Ammon Kush: The Skeleton Coast.
Sombre: I have played Arga Dis quite often. It's one of my favorite mods, infact, so yes I'm very familiar with it.
As far as the mouth goes, it's only 1 pixel wide. The same size as almost all human mouths I've drawn. Can't make it any smaller than that. Any steriotypical resemblance is unfortunate, but I disagree that there are any obvious parallels to be drawn. The human sprites (including the style of clothes worn) are based on photos of certain groups of people from Timbuktu and Côte d'Ivoire.
My problem is that I feel this is a fairly sensitive subject: Not the issue of racism alone--we're all used to that--but the ideal of portraying Africa as something other than a steriotypical unknown, and from a position other than that of ignorance.
Also, the "black skinned giants" are purple, and have glowing orange eyes.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!