Originally Posted by RegnorVex
It's ironic that you've determined that you can't play now because you're busy. I considered LSN the perfect game for my busy lifestyle precisely because it's PBEM and allows me to play asynchronously. But what I've come to learn is that I spend hours going over each turn before I send it in. So in the end, I've found it every bit as time consuming as any other game I play, and the only real time advantage is the asynchronicity. 
The main thing for me is the amount of time I'd spend adding that to Dominions, especially as LSN games generally have more turns/day that Dom, where it's more like days/turn. The only time in my life that I've ever been completely on top of my email was when I was playing LSN.
Originally Posted by RegnorVex
Can you imagine playing this in real time waiting for each other to move lol?
LSN convinced me to stop trying to like RTS games. I don't actually hate them - I played a lot of Starcraft as an undergrad - but I really don't like the way they combine strategy and tactics (and "twitch"). They almost play like high-level strategy: like Dom, where you create formations and give orders and then have to see how things play out, BUT victory depends on intervening and micromanaging individual units at "videogame" speed.
On that note, Positech is coming out with a game that I'm really looking forward to:
Gratuitous Space Battles
Dom-style strategic battles combined with baroque (loosely MOO 2-like) spaceshship design.