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Old July 21st, 2009, 01:09 PM
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Default Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]

The vultures have gathered in the West. While their god's will is absent (OOC: I'm pretty sure they staled last turn, someone might want to look into that), the flesh of the Ermorians is offered up to their ravenous beaks.

The feast should be finished soon. And whither shall the hungry ones turn their attention next?

In the East, other tidings of war and bloodshed are heard, and rumors of mighty alliances.

So who will feel the dripping blade of fate next? Well, know that the Children of the Forests, and their great goddess, the terrible Queen Pony, Mistress of the Wood, will not go into the Long Night easily. We have the means to defend ourselves well, even if we must stand alone against many. And verily, we might be destroyed, but we swear to extract such a toll that the living will envy the dead!

Would it not be better to court us than to clash with us? If you woo the Dark Lady, you will find her a most useful ally, and the dwellers in the trees have many resources that a true friend would find useful. Who will prove a worthy consort to the Mistress of Terror? We await your reply through the usual lines of communication...

Sincerely, Pangaea
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