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Old July 22nd, 2009, 01:21 AM

elmokki elmokki is offline
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Default Re: EA al-Nadim - The thousand and one nights (WIP)

Originally Posted by Lurker_at_Threshold View Post
The capital only H3 priest could be named a mufti. If you could individually hijack a nations option for a unique profit, while still keeping them playable, the dwarf smith could be a good option.

I'd imagine that Vizier's would have some combat utility stemming from the weak evocations, particularly fire combined with aim. Although forging additional boosters could be difficult.

If you would want to improve magical diversity you could always a recruitible everywhere magician with a crap shoot of elemental magic (FAWE)or another with minor death, and a chance at an elemental path.
I actually am rethinking if air is so crucial path to have atleast as a major one. Fire sure is, djinns are beings of smokeless fire, and astral feels correct too. Having water, air, earth or most of them as minor picks sounds interesting too though.

Anyway, viziers' problem was that 1F 1A can't do anything. It's 50% chance to get 2F or 2A and to be able to shoot atleast some proper evocations and 25% chance to get 1S for communions. 25% of the viziers would be useless apart from as researchers with their 1A 1F 1E paths. Not too awful though.

One draft for magics would be to make the viziers really versatile mages. For example something like following:

- Grand Vizier, 3F 1S, 200% AWES, 10% AWESF
- Vizier 2F 1S, 110% AWESF
- Mystic 1S (possibly 100% SD instead of 1S)

The 1S on especially vizier allows communions, making it always useful.

The problem just is that this'd produce a huge pile of crappy mages. I would love to use linked paths, 100% chance to have 2 levels of AWESF for grand vizier, but the modding commands for that make the modded units look buggy in recruiting screen.

Second option would be to have the following:

- Grand Vizier as it is
- Vizier as it is
- Mystic with 100% SD
- A scholar with 100% AWEF

But yeah, I don't know. It's pretty hard as I'd like to have plenty of viziers with different magic paths, but most setups lead to too many of them having relatively useless magic paths.

EDIT: Imam will be renamed mullah. That suits better for a H1 priest. Imam might be a seperate H2 priest or the H3 priest.

Last edited by elmokki; July 22nd, 2009 at 01:36 AM..
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