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Old July 22nd, 2009, 05:27 AM
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Default Re: EA al-Nadim - The thousand and one nights (WIP)

Evrything I say below is just an suggestion. Feel free to ignore my ramblings should you feel the need for it.

Originally Posted by elmokki View Post
I also have considered the following:
- Some capital only H3 priest
- Mystic (1S, 1H, stealthy, sacred, possibly a spy?)
For the graphics, may I suggest that you just recolor the guys in the Holy War preview pic (under "The Celestial Choir")? Recoloring the white in them to black should probably make them blend nicely with the Imam pic you already got (a'k'a making black the color of the priesthood).

Originally Posted by elmokki View Post
- Some sort of scholar (= researcher) unit might suite quite well. I reckon it's either mystic or scholar though. Could be capital only.
Well, your mages aren't currently very "combatique", perhaps you could give them minor bonus (like ~1) to compensate?

Originally Posted by elmokki View Post
- A camel rider is an intriguing idea, but what purpose does it serve? Worse cavalry with wasteland survival isn't really a good enough niche to be worth it in most cases, and I think most if not all units deserve wasteland survival anyway. The EA version of this nation could have less horses and more camels as a theme of horses being rare though.
Well, if you can't see any justification for a unit (althought I agree that in EA camels would make more sense) it's better to just scrap it. There's no idea on filling the roster with useless units. It's just extra work for no gain.

Originally Posted by elmokki View Post
- I am not happy with the magic paths of the two mages, but it's pretty hard to figure out what'd suit well. Current setup would probably make viziers too useless in combat.
I remember suggesting this some time ago, but it was probably in some other thread. National combat spells. Here are some ideas:

Desert Wind: AoE AP fire fatigue damage.

Djinn combat summon: This is depended upon how prevelavent the Djinns are in the MA, do you still have some as summons?

Trickery of the Djinn: Slightly better "Confusion".

Fury of the Desert: Troops buff that gives fire resistance + haste + (quickness?)

But you probably have better ideas, considering all the research you've done. If you aren't sure what is possible by spell modding, just ask. I happen to have some experience in the subject. If you need something complicated, I'd be more than happy to help you out with the code.

Originally Posted by elmokki View Post
Should the beduins be stealthy by the way? If so, should they have regular leather instead of reinforced leather? I'm a bit in between.
Hmm. Reinforced leather is basically normal leather armor with some metal plates hanging from it. The Beduins could easily trade for those, so even with their lack of forging, it would make sense.

I'd like re-state that everything I say is just a suggestion. I'm just very intrested in this project. You see, I'm a Byzantium addict. It's been a dream of mine to do a new version of Pythium with more Constantinople (Greek fire, Varangian Guards, Icons and sh*t) and less Hydras and overpowered priest mages. With your mod and this hypothetical mod of mine (if you ever finish this, I'll make it thought) we could re-enact the Byzantium wars. Heck, I even might a dip my toe inmap-making and make a map out of some image of Turk + Greece.
I have now officially moved to the Dom3mods forums and do not actively use this account any more. You can stll contact me by PM's, since my account gives e-mail notifications on such occasions.

If you need to ask something about modding, you can contact me here.

See this thread for the latest info concerning my mods.
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