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Old July 22nd, 2009, 09:12 AM
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Default Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Baalz View Post
Well, obviously annoying but nobody could reasonably expect you to stick it out if you're that miserable. Thanks for playing as long as you did and no worries (at least from me) about bailing.
Thanks, that means a lot for me. In this game, several things just accumulated on me to create a very unusual binge. The lack of indie mages and the sudden loss of pretender paths + unfortunate choice of neighbours. (there wasn't anyway I could have fought against TC in the early/mid game, those Warriors of the Five Elemets just are a counter to all of the tricks I could do). It was nice of Jazzepi to humor me by signing a NAP.

But, luckily it wasn't all for naught. This game gave me inspiration to do my Underwater-mod, parts of which are going into the next CBM. I'm just the kind of guy who can't stand to see something broken when it can be easily fixed. But my underwater rant (trust me, I have a lenghty one) isn't really for this thread.
I have now officially moved to the Dom3mods forums and do not actively use this account any more. You can stll contact me by PM's, since my account gives e-mail notifications on such occasions.

If you need to ask something about modding, you can contact me here.

See this thread for the latest info concerning my mods.
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