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Old July 22nd, 2009, 05:25 PM

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Default Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Burnsaber View Post
Originally Posted by vfb View Post
Sadly, Caelum is not capable of putting up much of a fight against the mages of Fomoria either, whose wicked conjurations of multitudes of Ashen Angels and Earth Elementals surprised our doomed commanders this month.

-- Kinaesthesia of Caelum
Heck yeah. I'd continue fighting if I had some valiant last stands to do. Those are actually fun. But it will take decades for anyone to actually assault my underwater provinces, that's one of the reasons why I see my postion as so dull. Even once I lose my coasts to Helheim, he'll probably stop there and leave me rot in the ocean. I tried to bate Agartha into attacking me, but to no avail, since he got distracted by Fomoria.
Ok, I've just caught up on the recent happenings on this thread after being away from the net all day. I'd really hate to lose you Burnsaber, especially considering how well Oceania are doing. Losing dying nations like Hinnom to the AI is one thing, but when we lose mid/high level nations like Yomi and now possibly Oceania, then it just serves to hammer more nails in this games already fragile credibility coffin. Maybe Lingchih's cunning plan of winning this game purely by being the last player left will actually come to fruition?!?

An odd thought just occurs to me, have we actually created one of those weird Japanese endurance games here?!? Since mental willpower seems to be far more important for success here than actually playing skill. But I digress, so back to the game.

Sorry I didn't take your bait Burnsaber. "Attack Oceania" was hovering near the top of the Agartha to-do list for quite some time, but it got pushed to the bottom when Fomoria declared war on me. So with that in mind...

@ Burnsaber - Would Agartha taking your worm and deciding to go for an extended swim mean you would stay in the game? Or have you already made your mind up to quit? Since if Executor, as Fomoria, is offering Agartha peace in order to keep you in the game, then for the sake of the game, I'd probably accept it, and archive all my 'Anti-Fomoria' tactics until a later date

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
I'm willing to make a truce with Agartha if he'll fight you and there for keep you in the game.
@ Executor - I'll also agree to this if it keeps Burnsaber in the game. Although I'll pass if Burnsaber decides that not even the thought of some underwater fisty-cuffs is enough of a temptation to stay around for.
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