Re: Spellchecker - Game on!
Ok, the game seems to be going along nicely, but I'm going to get eliminated soon. We need a new face to act as admin. Any volunteers? It won't be hard with 3 players left.
Remember the victory conditions people. 4 capitals. According to my sneaky star children, T'ien C'hi is doing a good job of Ermor (Especially now when I eliminated over 700 undead from him in a castle battle. You know what kind of smiting happens when a star chiidren prophet casts it with peneration item and 8 slaves and power of the spheres? (for reference that's holy power 3+1+3=7 and +6 penetration). It was pretty epic.
So atlantis will have 2 capitals. Vanheim probably has Panganeas by now and T'ien C'hi will end up with 3 (own, ermor & Shinyama). It's going to be nice three-way with everyone having a shot in a win.