This IrC discussion will explain everything:
[22:21] Burnsaber I've toying with the idea of a "Metal Nation"
[22:21] Gregstrom Heh.
[22:21] Burnsaber Like half seroisuly
[22:22] Burnsaber The recruitable troops are roudies and fans
[22:22] Burnsaber While the commanders are singers
[22:23] Burnsaber Folk Metal singers have nature magic, "regular" metal earth. death metal well death, gore metal with blood magic and hero metal with fire magic
[22:23] Gregstrom Nice
[22:23] Gregstrom Ooh, so much fun.
[22:24] Gregstrom It's a new direction for modding, and I have to say I like it.
[22:24] Burnsaber All of them would have custom "song attacks". Trash metal makes physical damage, death metal causes fear and so forth
[22:24] Gregstrom Nature summon: War Pigs
[22:24] Burnsaber National heroes would be based on famous metal bads, like man'o'war
[22:26] Gregstrom And a Led Zeppelin?
[22:27] Burnsaber And the fans would be different based on the metal they digg. Gore metal fans are freaky bunch, Hero metal fans have great morale, folk metal fans have survival skills and so worth
[22:27] Burnsaber Oh, right, progressive metal is astral
[22:27] Burnsaber The pinnacle troops would be "die-hard-fan" with metallic skin
[22:28] Gregstrom I'd heard of prog rock... prog metal?? Whoa...
[22:28] Burnsaber Yeah. Try Dream Theather, that gives the general idea
[22:29] Burnsaber And yeah, there'd definately be a troop called "Trooper"
[22:29] Burnsaber It just has to be
[22:30] Burnsaber And the Idea was that litter all sorts of obscure metal references all over the description, or just using song lyric for descriptions
[22:31] Gregstrom Hmm... a battle spell that does damage and chains a charm effect - Pain of Salvation?
[22:31] Gregstrom Ooh, I like this idea.
[22:31] Burnsaber Someone, anyone reading, please slap some sense inot us before we actually do this
[22:32] Burnsaber I'm being actaully tempted
[22:32] Burnsaber I mean, it'd just be so... awesome
[22:33] * Gregstrom resists the temptation to say "this rocks"
[22:34] Burnsaber MA guitarroon, the men of metal
[22:35] Burnsaber Name needs work, but epiteth in set in stone
[22:36] Burnsaber "Men of Metal"
[22:36] Gregstrom :D
[22:36] Burnsaber Heh. the PD could be mechanical milita :D
[22:37] Burnsaber And a super-cheap national Harvester of Sorrows
[22:37] Gregstrom I love it.
[22:38] Gregstrom Golem Cult effect would be appropriate.
[22:38] Burnsaber Aaah. That's awesome!
[22:39] You can have my rawk yhetee if you do.
[22:40] Burnsaber I think the people reading this are either crying or laughing
[22:40] Burnsaber What's a "yhetee"
[22:40] Gregstrom Quite possibly both.
[22:41] Gregstrom Yeti can't spell, and no-one wants to argue with them.
[22:41] Burnsaber I'd need help with "old" rock/early metal. Never really got into 80´s metal
[22:42] Burnsaber Havne't heard a lot of zeppelin either
[22:42] Burnsaber But I know my Hero and folk metal
[22:42] Burnsaber Death too
[22:43] Gregstrom I know more about earlier metal than the later stuff. Maiden, Metallica, Zep and so on. I don't know much about them, but...
[22:44] Burnsaber Proababöy still enough to make cheasy references in every opportunity
[22:44] Gregstrom compared with the yawning depth of my ignorance of metal after the mid-90's.
[22:44] Gregstrom Oh yes. Cheesy references are my meat and drink.
[22:44] Gregstrom I know my level.
[22:45] Gregstrom (and sink to it at every available opportunity)
[22:45] Burnsaber Hey Greg, you mind if I post this conversation in a thread? I might really do this (after Breton and mod updated, of course) Gives me good excuse to catch up on my metal
[22:46] Burnsaber *my other mods updated
[22:46] Gregstrom It's absolutely fine by me.
[22:47] Gregstrom Ooh, another summon: Rock Dinosaur.
[22:48] Gregstrom And a flying Pretender with a forge bonus, the Aero Smith.
[22:49] Gregstrom The laws of karma are due to give me a really unpleasant day tomorrow, I think.
[22:53] Burnsaber Me too
[22:53] Burnsaber but it has been done
[22:53] Burnsaber
[22:54] -->| matryx ( has joined #dominions
[22:55] Burnsaber May god help us all
[22:55] Burnsaber I really need practice my impulse control, you know?
[22:56] Gregstrom Oh, I think that'll be just fine. It should certainly spark off a few cheesy metal references.
[22:57] Burnsaber And considering the wide sprectrum of metal (folk metal and gore metal are even farther apart that Fusion Jazz and Pop), everyone should affiniate to some part of the nation
[22:59] Gregstrom With any luck, yes.
[23:00] Burnsaber Dom3 players also vary a lot in age too
[23:00] Gregstrom Ooh, Wikipedia has been useful for something.
[23:00] Burnsaber ?
[23:00] Gregstrom It has lists of metal bands of each genre.
[23:00] Gregstrom Including the instant national summon, Tarantula Hawk.
[23:01] Burnsaber Never heard of them, what genre?
[23:01] Gregstrom Prog Metal, it says.
[23:01] Gregstrom "Tarantula Hawk is a psychedelic progressive metal band from San Diego, California."
[23:01] Burnsaber Oh, I never listen at any prog metal not recommened by a firend. Too much of chance to get ear-[censored Dirty verb]
[23:02] Burnsaber Same with hero metal
[23:02] Gregstrom Ahh, the downside of Wikipedia - everything can be updated by fans, leading to obscure bands getting the same amount of space as ones you'd actually want to hear.
[23:03] Burnsaber It's kinda strange. Bad Hero Metal is just the worst metal there is (after Gore, of course) but good hero metal is just something magical
[23:03] Burnsaber Like anyone that has been in Man'o'War concert knows
[23:04] Burnsaber It's just burst of testicle-exploding pure man energy of awesome
[23:04] Burnsaber Can't explain it better
[23:05] Gregstrom I think that's going to be part of the nation description
So ehh. People intrested? Not that I care, I know that I'll have absolute blast while making this, but I'm just intrested on the fact if you're intrested. Besides, my metal-fu isn't perfect, I need some suggestion for cheesy references for those "famous" bands I don't really know.