Originally Posted by the Vanishag
Originally Posted by Nasser
This is looking pretty cool
If you decide to do multiple eras for this nation, a "Caliphate" version could have Mamluk heavy infantry and lancers (high morale, chain or scale armor and half-helms). Here's an example.
That'd be LA. But yeah, should suit LA much better to have that kind of helmets. It's just that I don't have much clue about LA theme more than heavily armored troops with some Mamluk/Ottoman theme. I personally don't care much about exact historicality, it's not like Dominions 3 is a historical game. Besides, the original human nations are based on relatively many nations when they're based on real life nations at all
Regarding djinn in general, I would like to copy summons from an EA mod commanders. But if there won't be one without me, it'll probably be mostly with marids and ifrit, three tiers, lowest being soldiers, middle being weak mages and the highest being very powerful mages.
Both trees would be more or less thuggable, the most powerful djinn might even have SC capability. Ifrit have fire shield and marids have glamour. I think awe doesn't suit out well enough to be in. Awe + glamour would easily make overpowered units anyway. Ifrit are described as strong and cunning while marids are (magically) the most powerful djinn. That'd make ifrits more combat orientated while having marids as more powerful mages.
Then there would be ghul, possibly with some more distinctive name. It's a death summon that can transform to a beautiful seducing lady or some animal form I can't remember, like one of the lanka units. I think the ghul is supposed to have hooves in every form, but that'll just be cool.
I'm also tempted to make a rhino summon, because there if I remember right are some (persian, but whatever) tales about rhinos described as mythical beings. That is if I can be arsed to make a decent rhino sprite or die trying.
Rhino and ghul would proably be summons al-Nadim won't have a good access to though.
I got to look around more about djinns once I get home - too much of a pain with gprs. Currently I don't really see much warranting the air magic in fire/air/astral of viziers. Should be fire/water/astral more likely.