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Old July 26th, 2009, 01:40 PM

elmokki elmokki is offline
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Default Re: MA al-Nadim - The thousand and one nights (Now version 0.1!)

I figure this is how the lowest ifrit and marid will look like. I gave them regular scimitars instead of magical weapons and a shield. I prefer having the elemental bases for them for now atleast.

Ghul's were-hyena form had slightly too dark paws so I made them a bit lighter. The shape of paws might get a little improvement later, but I'm happy enough with them for now.

I made first of the three heroes I was promising, Ali Baba, who isn't that special by himself, but will get a free bandit each turn and can summon three bandits per turn (until I find that over or underpowered anyway). Obviously I made his bandit minions too. Bandits are light infantry with two weapons, stealth and good enough skill to use the two weapons without embarashing themselves too much.

Then there's new sprite for assassin as I wanted an assassin with waste survival and more arabic look. The basic sprite wasn't bad for al-Nadim, but I figured out I might make a proper assassin while I'm making sprites that look a bit like an assassin anyway

And as last I made Sinbad. He'll prevent bad events, have sailing and a little water magic.

EDIT: Apparently the image with all the sprites has grown too large for attaching as .png. I hate using losful formats so I'll start only attaching partial versions for now.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	stealthy.png
Views:	183
Size:	15.5 KB
ID:	8568  
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