Re: Final Newbie Question (or compilation of questions!)
Thank you!
I have awe+2 with sun armor on and nothing else.
I have awe +0 with the golden shield on and nothing else.
I have awe+2 with both items on together.
I induce from this that awe doesn't stack. Help my faulty reasoning?
My problem is: If I dont bid on the mercs, the AI will get them. I suppose I could play that way, but it doesnt really feel satisfying.
I find it odd that this game has so many options and choices, all good stuff, and there is no switch for "mercanaries available: on" in the game setup. Wouldnt that be easy to have? (<-- sorry, I am not computer saavy, this is a real question.)
Chris, are you the gentleman responsible for that CBM mod? Thank you! I would be happy to have an updated version where blink did not ruin my day. Thank you!